Mile High Bug Club
of the
General Membership Meeting
December 5, 2017 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Gold Hill Division Police Station
955 West Moreno Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Welcome & Introductions:
Call to order 6:37 pm
Eric Eaton-Chair
Heidi Eaton
Bell Mead
Eric Mead
Alexandra Mead
Steve Taylor
Review of the year 2017
Cool Science Festival at Colorado College in April
- was a 1 day event
- Eric Eaton took kids out on bug hunts)
- Ed Gage brought part of his collection for display
Participation in Pikes Peak Birding & Nature Festival
- In May each year
- Eric Eaton, Bell Mead attended
- Had a table one day (Bear Creek Nature Center)
- Had a presentation and a walk (at Fountain Creek Nature Center) the next day (Sunday)
- Relatively light attendance
First annual tiger beetle hunt
- In April
- at Lake Pueblo St Pk
- Bunch of people attended and Aiken Audubon Society joined us
Second annual grasshopper hunt
- Was in first week in August
- at Chico Basin Ranch
- Bill Maynard led, Eric Eaton was also there
- Good attendance
National Moth Week events
- we had a kickoff event at Chico Basin Ranch, rain caused problems
- had decent attendance, Kaya Woodall (new member) came to Cheyenne Mnt St Park as part of same week events
- Rock Creek and other event got canceled due to rain
Four bioblitz events for 20th anniversary celebration of TOPS
- June – September (one per month, all teaming up with cith of Colorado Springs
- June: Blodgett Peak (Friday – Saturday), for the
- club members were in respectable attendance
- public attendance was relatively weak
- Erik Ostrum (new member) came from Ft Collins
- July: Jimmy Camp Creek
- Terrible weather
- extremely successful public wise (over 400 people, including new member Renee McDougal)
- good attendance of members, at least 6 people
- August: Bluestem Prairie Open Space
- Well attended by the club
- September: Ute Valley Park
- Good turn out of members, weak for the public participation in the bug part of the event
- Not great weather
Baculite Mesa tarantula hunts
- One in August, one in September to look for Tarantulas, first one skunked, second one there were lots of them
- Good turn out, some members, a lot of kids
- was on private property
Lampshade weaver spider hunt
- In September at Cave of the Winds
- is one of the only known locations for that particular species of Hypochilidae in the country
- Saw several of them, co-trip with the Colorado Arachnid Club
Participation in national meeting of Entomological Society of America
- in Denver, in November
- Several members attended
- MHBC had a booth, and sold some T-Shirts, Jewelry, Shadow Boxes
- Bell Mead made a new banner, brochures, and stickers were very popular
- Was very successful
Priorities for the year 2018
Board Members currently are:
Eric Eaton (Chair), Bell Mead (Member at Large), Len Osborne (in New Mexico), Brian Kelly (Member at Large)
Discussion of need to recruit additional board members
Discussion of
Role Descriptions for board
Articles of incorporation
Discussion of possibilities for fundraising, including possible two tiered (paid and unpaid) membership?
Discussed fundraising (seeking permit for raffles, so what prizes would you like?)
Membership recruitment.
- Mostly gained members through field trips and events
- The challenge is to expand geographic area for events
- Possibility of broadcasting meetings if they have presentations.
- Meetings are quarterly. Discussion of possibility that these could be moved around to different places
- Brochures could be put in May Museum, Butterfly Pavilion, local nature centers, libraries, to broaden recruitment
Resurrect Young Entomologists’ Society or initiate its equivalent
- Discussion of the status
Continue with regular field events, add new ones (Cool Science Festival April 7?) (Rocky Mountain Field Institute?)
- May do a National Moth Week event at Bear Creek this year
Partner with other groups, individuals (High Country Lepidopterists? 2022 meeting? Ft. Collins Audubon butterfly field trips – Eric Ostrum?)
Participate in “mom expos,” etc.
- perhaps having a booth at one of these events (helping people learn about pest insects, common insects in home, getting kids interested in bugs)
Meet regularly during winter (program topics, presentations, workshops welcome)
Other Potential Field Trips for bad weather:
- Colorado College Insect Collection
- Butterfly Pavilion in Westminister
Bodacious Butterfly & Bird Fest (at: Sugarite Canyon St. Pk., NM, just east of Raton) (last weekend in June)?
Ratify a club policy on insect collecting
- Eric will generate a draft to share with board
Schedule upcoming meetings:
February 12, 2018 (Monday): General Membership Meeting, Gold Hill Division Police Station, Colorado Springs, 6:30PM – 8:30PM).
Will be 10-year Anniversary Celebration!
May 14, 2018 (Monday): General Membership Meeting, Gold Hill Division Police Station, Colorado Springs, 6:30PM – 8:30PM).
December 10, 2018 (Monday): General Membership Meeting, Gold Hill Division Police Station, Colorado Springs, 6:30PM – 8:30PM).
Concluding Remarks
Adjourn and Thank You
Adjourn 8:07 pm